The first professional convention for farmers, investment funds and family offices was held on May 15th and 16th by the companies Vimar Equipments and Vilcon. It has gathered more than 350 attendees from all over Spain and Portugal.

From Vilcon and Vimar we would like to sincerely thank all the sponsors and collaborators for making possible this event that we have developed with so much work and passion. We would also like to thank the more than 350 attendees for their warm affection and kind words of gratitude. All of them have contributed to the undeniable success of this first edition of the Professional Convention for farmers, investment funds and family offices. On the other hand, we cannot forget the more than 150 applications received, which could not attend due to limited seating capacity, and we thank them for their interest and understanding.

Agriculture is essential to the world economy, represents 4% of gross domestic product (GDP), and employs more than 5% of the working population of the planet, therefore, today more than ever represents a strategic role for humanity, moved by this, in addition to that, among other things, Aragon has contributed more than significantly to serve as a technological and innovative catalyst for sectors such as almond farming in Spain, has motivated that during the 15th at the Parador de Alcañiz, and the morning of the 16th at the Finca Campillo de Caspe, more than 350 farmers and agricultural investors of different nature met.

During the round tables were discussed such burning issues as:

The evolution of markets: supply, demand, price trends, countries, production and prevailing consumption.
Crop selection by competitive and added value: profitability, productivity and adaptability, land prices: availability, irrigated, rainfed, size, available area, value of farms, key locations and potential revaluation.
Future: the value of water availability and its origin, as well as value multiplier.
Current degree of innovation and availability: varieties, harvesting systems, cultivation methods, state of the agroindustry, destination of the product, and water.

All this considering the Iberian Peninsula and, in particular, the attractiveness that Aragon, due to its idiosyncrasy, awakens for this sector of activity.

Among others, there were internationally renowned companies and recognized agricultural leadership, such as Grupo de Prado, Innoliva, New Holland, Prunuts nuts, Frutaria, Agroptimun, CBRE, Sovena, ISFA, Agrosemillas, DAFISA, Borges, imporgaco, GEA, El Lobo, Importaco, and a long etcetera.

This program was attended by political authorities, as is the case of Miguel Angel Estevan Mayor of Alcañiz, Angel Samper, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Food of the Government of Aragon, who urged participants to play a competitive, sustainable and technified agriculture as a necessary and mandatory basis for the support and development of humanity. In the area of sustainability, he emphasized that this must be, in this order, economic, social and environmental, because without the first, there are no subsequent ones.

Alberto Giner and Juan Vilar, CEOs of Vimar and Vilcon, promoting companies, thanked the welcome, support, commitment and involvement of the Government of Aragon to facilitate an event such as the one held during these two days, whose influence and effects have transcended the Iberian Peninsula.

Sincerely Vimar and Vilcon.


Web of the event and more information: