Under the direction of the professor of the UJA, María Jesús Hernández, and the Strategic Consultant and professor on leave of absence from the UJA Juan Vilar, and within the module The title of Master in Administration and Management of Olive Companies will be awarded by the University of Jaén.
The program in previous editions was sponsored by Antonio Gallego, president of the MIGASA Group , Juan Ramón Guillén, president of ACESUR, and Antonio Luque, president of DCOOP.
As it could not be otherwise, this April 5, the Master Class was given by three great professionals of the sector, each one of them referents in their segment. Undoubtedly, a great privilege for everyone, and especially for the students of the Master Class, to be able to count on their experience. In this masterful way, university education is brought closer to the business reality, forming an excellent group for the benefit of the students’ training.
MODULE 4: GENERAL MANAGEMENT Economic and geopolitical environment: Analysis of monetary institutions and world olive oil markets. Strategic Management: Analysis of the strategic process in olive oil companies.
Esteban Momblán, general manager of Interóleo picual, explained how an unprecedented year is unfolding in the international olive oil sector, in which it is difficult to plan for an environment that has never been experienced before, and therefore, hard in making decisions, in which Europe is losing specific weight in consumption compared to other international environments.
Francisco García, CEO of Fertínez, explained how a changing environment such as the current one has forced the Group he manages to reorient the company’s strategic plan due to an unusual, hostile and unfamiliar environment, compared to recent years, and how the scale effect improves these situations of deteriorating margins.
Pedro Martinez, CEO of IMS industrial control, explained how the 5.0 mill has meant a step from automation to artificial intelligence, and in turn to digital independence, the current 5.0 mill is a technological level that really resembles the operation of a satellite, full autonomy subject only to human supervision if necessary.
Among others, María Jesús Hernández, Professor of the UJA; Manuel Parras, Professor of the UJA; Macario Cámara, Professor of the UJA; Sonia Sánchez, Professor of the UJA, Manuel Carlos Vallejo, Professor of the UJA; Elia García, Professor of the UJA, and a long etc. of experienced professors of the first order.
As teachers of Master Class will be counted, among others, with: Antonio Luque, president of Dcoop; Álvaro Martínez, president of GEA Iberia; Luis Torres, CEO of MAEVA; David Castro, financial director of De Prado, Álvaro Olavarría, general manager of Oleoestepa; Eduardo Valverde, Manager of Conde de Benalúa (SCA San Sebastián).