The planet is a living element that encompasses a series of beings that live on it, including animal and plant species. It is not a new phenomenon, it has historically accompanied Humanity.

Research into this phenomenon is initially attributed to the Egyptians, between 3200 and 30 B.C., who spent a lot of time and effort to see how the physical and climatological variables affected the environment. When we talk about physical variables we refer to phenomena such as rain, humidity, fog, temperature variation, pressure, etc. Later, scholars such as Hippocrates in ancient Greece analyzed these phenomena.

More recently, we can define meteoropathy or metereosensitivity as the change in the behavior or effects experienced by a living being when faced with peaks in the incidence of certain specific, unforeseen, abnormal and anomalous meteorological situations. It is a series of changes that are occurring in the usual pattern of climatology and that affect all beings, in one way or another.

How does it affect botanically, and therefore, the olive tree? This meteorological behavior, radical to a certain extent, and anomalous, affects in a very different way, since the olive tree follows a usual phenological process of behavior at each chronological point, and in its normal evolution.

What happens is that unexpected and unpredictable climatic changes occur at certain times, for example, abnormal frosts, rainfall at unusual times, high temperatures, abnormal winds, etc. A clear example of this impact is what has happened with the fat yield of olives at the international level, with an average of 1.3 percentage points of fat missing on the planet, that is, some 300,000 tons of olive oil, since the climatological evolution has not corresponded to the phenological evolutionary process of the fruit, with this effect having a greater impact, above all, on varieties such as the picual.

As a result, research into the development of new varieties and experimentation with the behavior of other existing varieties is vital to prevent the increasingly common meteorosensitivity in olive trees. However, this meterosensitivity is also causing that, in places like Canada, the olive tree can be cultivated, when in normal circumstances it would have been impossible.

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